What happens when it all goes up in smoke?

What do we do when we lose our job and are faced with months of unemployment overnight?  

This is a question I have been asking myself a lot the last few days and in all honesty the last few weeks.  You might think it is due to the COVID-19 pandemic, but friends, it is not!  A very dear friend lost a job overnight a few weeks ago and it was devastating, it IS devastating and even though most of us in the arts are in the same boat, it is not the same.  Being released from a production because management doesn’t feel you are going to fulfill your duties is probably the worst way to lose a job - it is a blow to our being.  We, as artists, have spent our lives devoting ourselves to this business and it can go up in smoke, poof, just like that. So what do you do? 

Now we are in the midst of COVID-19 and the world of the arts is crumbling around us. What are we going to do? What are YOU going to do to protect your future? Pretend there is no virus and you have been released from a gig and you have nothing... what do you do? 

When this pandemic started I was thinking, there must be some form of insurance available to free-lancers, NOPE.  There must be a way the governments will string together and still allow the theaters to pay us... still waiting to hear if that might happen.  It seems like it is different in each country and city.

What I am starting to realize, along with the support of my incredible partner (he is really the best at putting things into perspective), is that we have got to have something else to lean on, to keep us going and maintain the fulfillment we get out of life.  When you no longer have your performance outlet, for a lot of us, we struggle to get on with daily things.  This was me for many years.  Only in the past year (maybe even last six months to be honest) can I say that performing is NOT the MOST IMPORTANT thing in my life.  I LOVE PERFORMING, I will always LOVE performing, but it is not what drives me anymore.  

I am sitting here, typing away and thinking, I am OKAY. Maybe this is my time to find a new path, a new outlet, a new me.  Then there is the FEAR of what others are going to think, the judgement and my nasty ego starts to mess with me.  Guess what... “I’ve got this!” Thanks for coming to share your feelings with me Ego, but I am in charge here and really I AM okay.  I CAN do this - I CAN DO whatever I want.  

Am I going to give up performing....?  

NO, but I am now going to throw myself into pursuing other interests I have and making a business plan for myself to run side by side with performing.  Why should I be a slave to a performance schedule?  I am better than that.  

My head is spinning with all the “stuff” I could do. 

  • Finish my massage certification and finally set up my business

  • Start a course in acupressure and reflexology

  • Launch my Natural Living with James business platform (just wait for this one!)

  • Follow through with creating a summer clinic for young singers

  • Get a series of recitals planned (see there is still performance there)

  • Learn more about Psychology and how I can help others

  • Build a Gardening business

  • Do more yoga

  • Go for daily walks/runs

  • Meditate more deeply more often

  • Learn to be more present in community and not so isolated all the time (you know what I mean - being on gigs is extremely isolating)

  • Knit, knit, and knit some more

  • Set up my Virtual PA business

There are many more things I could add to the list and will continue to do so, but this is just a start.  The main point is... I’m not going to let this get me down.  I am going to take this opportunity to get some business ventures off the ground and throw myself into these things.  

The future of our business is, to be completely honest, unknown. At this point I am not sure what is happening, no one is, and who knows how it is going to affect all of us in the end.

I have a plan for the future, it has always included cutting back on performing and I have my sights set on a family and being with my family.  

This is MY EXPERIENCE.  What’s yours?  Have you thought about it?  We all have to make these decisions for ourselves, but remember that we are NOT alone.  There is a community of people with a common experience and we can rely on one another for support, encouragement and NON-JUDGEMENT! 

Think about who your support team is and hold them close to you now more than ever.  We will all weather this storm and come out stronger.  I’m not letting the grass grow under my feet.  Today is a new day, a new life, a NEW ME!  I’m excited and you can bet I’ll be sharing my experience with you.

Oh and don’t get scared... I am not going to stop performing, I’m not ready to do that yet, I am building my network and getting in my drivers seat! Come join me!

Be well all!  Stay safe and we will all get through this!

James Kryshak