A quick catch up then on we go…

Hello friends! 

I am finally getting my act together and finding it is time to reengage with blogging and get my thoughts on this path out there.  The past five years have been full of wonderful adventures and I am so grateful to the Universe for choosing me to be on this journey.  Just to catch you up quickly from where I left off...

In 2013 I became an Ensemble Member of the Vienna State Opera where I was responsible for around 52 roles in my two years there.  I then took a position in the Ensemble of the Deutsche Oper Berlin where I continued to re-create roles and even had to opportunity to create a new role in Scartazzini’s new opera, Edward II, as Lightborn the murderer (it was fun) in 2017.  

I have added two recordings to my discography one being the premiere recording of Jakub Jan Ryba’s Stabat Mater with L’armonia terrena in the Czech Republic under the baton of my dear friend Zdenek Klauda.  This is a project that I am so honored to be part of and love getting together with my colleagues to bring this brilliant work to audiences around central Europe.  The other is for Edward II at Deutsche Oper Berlin. Both recordings are available on Spotify if you want to have a listen. 

While still with Deutsche Oper, I also had the opportunity to travel to Lisbon, Portugal to portray Bob Boles in Peter Grimes with the National Theater Sao Carlos as well as make my debut with Opera National d’Lyon in France. Now THIS was a project!  I created the role of Adolf Hitler in Alexander Raskatov’s new opera GerMANIA.  This is by far the highlight of my career to date.  Words do not really give justice to the way this changed my outlook on my career and life.  I spent so much time researching this intense person and to attempt to recreate him on the operatic stage was incredible.  This will forever be a turning point for me... it is what I have been put here to do,to immerse myself in characters and try to tell stories so we all wake up a bit and pay attention to the world moving around us. 

After several years of “festing” it was time to trust the Universe again and say goodbye to a full-time job.  My personal life was moving forward and it was time to put that in position ONE... so together with my partner in crime, we decided it was time I moved to the UK officially where we could have one home TOGETHER!  So once more I cleared out an apartment and moved to another country.  This time was different.  This time I was HOME.  

Since moving to the UK I have been away a lot, but things are moving in the right direction.  I am starting to break into the system in the UK and people are starting to get to know me.  This is always a difficult thing to deal with as a musician, but you just have to be patient and persevere.  I have done some great projects in the UK this past year as proof.  

The first was with Birmingham Opera Company back in February/March.  Under the leadership of the incredible Graham Vick, we produced the most amazing Lady Macbeth of the Mtsensk District I have done to date (this was my third production of the work).  I had such a remarkable time working with BOC and bringing opera into the faces of the audience members (literally - the audience moves around with us as the opera progresses and we get up in their faces for sure), but also working with the community chorus and actors, some of whom are refugees.  During one of our first rehearsals I met a young man from Syria who had just arrived TWO DAYS prior to the rehearsal.  To watch him grow and become comfortable through out the process and make friends and connections through this project made it completely worth it for me.  THIS MATTERS!  This brings us together as a WORLD not as individuals.  I’ll always be grateful to BOC for this.  

My second UK experience just finished and was equally as rewarding.  I was finally able to perform the Lottery Agent and Baron Laur from Kurt Weill’s Der Silbersee with English Touring Opera.  This is another incredible company with a mission to bring opera to the masses, in a tangible, approachable and fun way.  I met some wonderful colleagues and was challenged by a few as well, which is all part of this life.  We must take on the challenges and look inside to grow from them.  I was also covering the role of Pedrillo in ETO’s Abduction from the Seraglio... remember back when I wrote about preparation and always being ready to jump into something?  Well... thank goodness I took my own advice and had prepared for the possibility because I had to go on.  I have performed Pedrillo several times already, always in German and this time it was in English... never underestimate doing something in your native language - it often can be more difficult because we tend to make things up, whether or NOT they make sense... Oops.  Well, I got through it and had a blast.  My colleagues were awesome and made it such a fun night.  Needless to say, I slept well after and got up to do Silver Lake the next day.  

Part of the greatness of ETO is using community groups as the extended chorus in the different cities we traveled to.  One group that does a lot of the work is Street Wise Opera, which brings together homeless and formerly homeless people around the UK (London, Manchester, Nottingham, Newcastle and Teesside) to give them a voice in this world when no one else would.  Please check them out and if you are able, help them continue to support this community in need.  Again I found myself working along side people to bring the world TOGETHER.  I’m starting to see a pattern here.  


Right... that was supposed to be a quick summation of the last five years (not the Jason Robert Brown show) and I think I’ve done it.  Moving on, I want to talk a little bit about where my head has been over the past few months and some of the great things I have come upon.  

In January, while on a gig with the Cleveland Symphony I decided it was time to start taking my mental health seriously and on recommendation of a cousin in Germany I started to use the App Insight Timer.  I had downloaded it a year or so before and had done some guided meditations here and there, but nothing to scream home about.  I decided to take the dive and do a 30-day challenge to get into meditation.  You start with one minute a day and by the end of the challenge you are at 30 minutes (it was guided so you aren’t alone in this).  I’ll be honest... I was not fully successful, and had to back track a couple of times, but by the 10th of February I had succeeded and felt like I could do this.  I didn’t do it alone.  I shared the app with several friends and one of them took a big dive in as well.  Fast forward a couple of months (it’s now April and I am in Berlin working on a few projects at Deutsche Oper Berlin) and this friend messaged to say she found this awesome meditation and practitioner who also has a podcast called The Adult Chair - Michelle Chalfant - Stop Stress, Anxiety and Ruminating Thoughts...

I really like Podcasts, REALLY LIKE THEM... so I went to the page, subscribed right away and started listening from the beginning as I had no idea what The Adult Chair meant.  I was HOOKED! Anything that makes me nod along and make comments aloud as I walk down the street with my headphones on is a winner for me.  I was so interested in all the things that Michelle was talking about that I was going into my personal therapy sessions and talking to my Therapist about it.  

Then... I was ready to go deeper and meet my inner child.  LIFE CHANGING.  I was really scared to do it and now am so grateful I did and continue to check in.  I want you all to know this, because I think we all need to do a lot of inner work to put our best foot forward and understand what we do each day and how we react to the stuff that is thrown our way.  If you are ready to start understanding who you are and strive to become the best version of you, I HIGHLY recommend The Adult Chair.  Michelle has changed the way I look at life and myself and each day I dive deeper with her I feel more secure as a man and a human in this world.  

Don’t just take my word for it, jump in - make a SPLASH:


From here you can get ALL the podcasts, meditations, join us in the TAC Membership group and get EVERYTHING that Michelle has to offer.  There is a load of free material that you should definitely take advantage of.  

Things are never one sided and I find that finding balance comes with having a bit of mental clarity along with physical satisfaction.  I have been a Yoga practitioner since my college days - when I would attend Hatha Classes in Elmhurst, IL with a bunch of ladies and I was the only guy.  So much has changed since then.  I don’t always have time for Yoga or the discipline to keep my practice up, but when I do, I have found a guy that really speaks to me.  Tim Senesi aka Yoga with Tim is awesome.  He is so clear about how to get into poses, how they should look and feel and never pushes you to go beyond what your body can handle.  He has some great videos on YouTube, including a 30 day Beginner Challenge which I try to get through and never seem to finish, but hey, it’s all in the attempt! 

To get you going:


Or check out his website for more details:


When I am not doing Yoga on a daily basis I am walking.  I walk a lot.  I do have a phone and wrist tracker which help me keep my steps up.  Whenever I am on a gig I look for lodging within a 30 minute walk so I can easily get to and from work without using public transport.  I find it keeps me centered throughout the day.  When I have days off (like today when I am sitting writing this post) I go for longer walks.  Thankfully today I am in New York City and I was able to take a long stroll through Central Park.  Nothing beats the autumnal feel of this iconic park.  Being out in nature brings everything together for me.  I’m am so grateful for our world. 

Now onto the really fun things... This is something I started back in 2012 and think I will continue it.  I want to give you some insight into what I am listening to, reading, finding great, etc and share them with you to try or experience yourself. 

James’ November TOP Picks...

Album of the month

Fire - Debut Album of Iokokanoa

Here is a taste:


Book of the month

Tao of Pooh/Te of Piglet - Benjamin Hoff

App of the month

Isight Timer


Product of the month 

Re:Nourish Soup 


(It’s on it’s way to the USA so keep an eye out... it is SO GOOD)

Recipe of the month 

Blueberry Lemon Curd Tart

I made this when friends were visiting from California and they both asked for the recipe when they got home.  I knew it was a winner.  Thanks to Pinterest for helping me find it.  

Here’s the recipe:


Quote of the Month

“We cannot be too careful about the words we use… we start out using them, and they end up using us” - Eugene Peterson 

(Interview with Krista Tippett from OnBeing)


Okay my friends, that will have to suffice for rounding out November.  In closing, as we near American Thanksgiving I just want to share a few things I am grateful for...

I am grateful for my health.

I am grateful for all the love surrounding me. 

I am grateful for those closest to me for helping me grow and become a better person. 

I am grateful for the many privileges I have in my life. 

I am grateful for being able to follow my dreams.

I am grateful for my family and friends.

I am grateful to the Universe for creating this adventure for me. 

I am grateful I AM HERE. 

Now it’s your turn.  Go out there, be you, be true and be grateful for each day.  See you in December.

🦃 Happy Thanksgiving 🦃